Monday, January 10, 2011

Gold Price Poise to Go Up

Gold is currently at USD$1371. It is poise to go up again due to the many debt problem in Europe and USA. The PIGS economies in Europe is having serious debt problem and the US is looking to increase its debt limit again to above USD$14.3 trillion. Its current debt stands at USD$13.95 trillion! As long as the debt problem exist and the money printing don't stop, gold will continue to go higher. Take this opportunity to buy more!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

How High Will Gold Go in 2011?

By Jeff Clark, BIG GOLD

After stellar years for both gold and silver, what prices will precious metals hit in 2011? Here's an analysis based strictly on their price behavior in the current bull market.

First, take a look at the annual percentage gains that gold has registered since 2001 (based on London PM Fix closings):

Excluding 2001, the average gain is 20.4%. Tossing out the additional weak years of '04 and '08, the average advance is 24.8%.

So we can make some projections based on what it's done over the past 10 years. From the 12-31-10 closing price of $1,421.60, if gold matched…

* The average rise this decade, the price would hit $1,711.60

* The average rise excluding the three weak years = $1,774.15

* Last year's gain = $1,858.03

* The largest advance to date (2007) = $1,875.09

But what if global economic circumstances continue to deteriorate? What if worldwide price inflation kicks in? And what if government efforts at currency debasement get more abusive? If Doug Casey is right, a mania in all things gold lies ahead – what if that begins in 2011? Here's what price levels could be reached based on the following percentage gains.

* 35% = $1,919.16

* 40% = $1,990.24

* 45% = $2,061.32

* 50% = $2,132.40

* 1979's gain of 125.7% = $3,208.55

It thus seems reasonable to expect gold to surpass $1,800 this year, as well as reach a potentially higher level since the factors pushing on the price could become more pronounced.

Here's a look at silver.

As you can see, silver had its biggest advance in 2010. The average of the decade, again excluding 2001, was 27.5%. And also tossing out the '08 decline, the average gain is 34.3%. So, from the 12-31-10 closing price of $30.91, if silver matched...

* The average rise this decade, the price would hit $39.41

* The average gain excluding 2008 = $41.51

* Last year's advance = $56.22

* The 1979 gain of 267.5% = $113.59

So, $50 silver seems perfectly attainable this year. And that's without monetary conditions worsening.

It's titillating to ponder these advances for gold and silver, especially when you consider we might be getting close to the mania. And if we are, that should do wonderful things to our gold and silver stocks, too.

I would add one caution: the odds are high that there will be a significant correction before gold begins its march to these price levels. In every year but two ('02 and '06), gold fell below its prior-year close before heading higher. And here's something to watch for: in every year but one ('08), those lows occurred by May.

In other words, a buying opportunity may be dead ahead. And if you buy on the next correction, your gains on the year could be higher than the annual advance.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Gold Price Update

In my last post at 7 March 2010, gold was at USD$1134, an all time high at that time. Since then it has move to above USD$1400. It has drop a bit to USD$1372 now. I notice a lot of people has started to say that it will crash now. But does the US government resolve its debt problem of 14 trillion dollars? The answer is NO. In fact it is planning to raise more debt to cover the existing debt by asking the Congress to lift the debt limit of 14.3 trillion to an even higher amount. Gold will continue to rise as long as the US and Euro keep printing money. Buy it now to protect your wealth. This is my sincere advice.