Saturday, September 08, 2007

Gold settled at $700

Just checked this morning. Gold price has settled at $700. With the subprime problem and the rumours of China dumping US treasury notes, gold price is bound to rise more. When China dump their reserve in dollars but not converting it to Euros and other paper assets, what will they replace the reserve on??? The answer start with "G" and it beat paper money every single time in history of money.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Gold break USD$700!

Gold price is USD$703 at this moment. The highest since May 2006..It will go higher..

Nathan Mayer Rothschild's Gold

"I only know of two men who really understand the true value of gold, an obscure clerk in the basement vault of the Banque de Paris and one of the directors of the Bank of England. Unfortunately, they disagree," remarked Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the former owner and operator of England's Royal Mint Refinery, and the primary gold agent to the Bank of England in the early 1800's.

When the Bank of England's gold reserve was drained by the costs of the Napoleonic wars, down to 235,000 ounces (£1 million) against note issue liabilities of £15.5 million, it was Nathan who sent secret shipments of gold and silver to Wellington's army in Europe and financed the defeat of Napoleon. In 1825, it was Nathan who rescued the Bank of England and prevented the collapse of the entire British banking system, after a run on gold caused the collapse of 145 banks.

In 1919, the Bank of England, determined to restore London as the main gold market, reached an agreement with seven South African mining houses to ship their gold to London for refining, after which it would be sold through NM Rothschild at the best price obtainable, giving the London market and the Bullion Brokers a chance to bid.

The London Gold Fix was set at the London merchant bank NM Rothschild, from Sept 1919 until April 2004. NM Rothschild had profound influence at the London Bullion Market, where trading volume was 42 million ounces of gold per day (more than twice South Africa's annual gold production), including dealings in physical, leased, and forward sales.

The Rothschild empire helped to establish and finance oil giant Royal Dutch Shell, cemented De Beer's control of the world's diamonds, and following World War II, invested in vast areas of resource rich properties in Canada, and in base metals giant Rio Tinto. Legend has it, that the Rothschild fortune measures in the trillions of dollars. Rothschild's huge stash of gold and natural resource shares is tailor made for the day when the public wakes up to the fraud of fiat currency.